Chakra 4 - Semi-precious stones and crystals for Chakra 4

Stones and crystals
Semiprecious Chakra 4 for Love, Emotional Connection and Compassion

The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is located in the chest region and is associated with the energy of love, compassion, balance, and emotional connection.

Covered Areas: Self-Love | Compassion | Forgiveness | Acceptance

Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

I love myself, I deserve the best, I am love, I receive love, I give love.
I know that true love begins within me.
I cultivate my ability to have compassion for myself and for those around me.
I am open to giving and receiving love.
I allow myself to feel and express my emotions, without fear of being judged.
I allow myself to be vulnerable.
I understand that we are all connected through love and that it can heal any wound.
I connect with those around me with an open heart, I accept those around me as they are, I accept the situations in my life that I can't change, I heal my wounds.
I experience love every day.

Below are crystals that are known to support this chakra:

Semi-precious stones
for Chakra 4 or Heart Chakra