Delivery terms by country (We deliver from Romania, UE)

Austria - 3 business daysBelgium -5 business days
Bulgaria -3 business days

Croatia -5 business days
Czechia -4 business days
Denmark -5 business days
Estonia -6 business days
Finland -6 business days
Germany -4 business days
Hungary -3 business days
Ireland -5 business days
Italy -4 business days
Netherlands -5 business days
Poland -2 business days
Portugal -6 business days
Slovakia -3 business days
Slovenia -5 business days
Spain -6 business days
Sweden -6 business days 


Our warehouse is located in Romania, EU. We deliver Fedex, UPS or DPD  and exclusively use express courier services.

We accept returns and exchanges, but return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.

Return/Cancellation Policy Return Policy - General Conditions:

Returns can be made within a period of 14 calendar days. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. The company will refund the return amount within 1 calendar day of receiving the returned goods, provided that the returned goods are in their original condition (without breakage, without defects). Please pack the returned products in their original packaging to ensure they do not deteriorate during transportation. Requests for return of orders are made via email at

RETURN - Terms and Conditions:

For online purchases, customers have a period of 14 calendar days for returns. For online purchases, the customer has 14 calendar days from the date of purchase of the product to return it. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Important: Only products received in good working condition will be accepted for return. The buyer will not be able to return purchased products and/or request further compensation in the following situations:

The return request is made after the expiration of the 14 calendar days; The returned product is not in the same condition as it was delivered. The seller will refund the received amount to the buyer within 1 calendar day from the date they receive the returned goods via bank transfer to the IBAN account from which the online payment was made. The return request will be made by the buyer to the address"


Terms and conditions



These Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") govern the relationship between:


- WARRIERA AKASHA SRL company, limited liability company, with registered office located in Romania, Ilfov county, Rosu village, Viitorului str., no. 24, registered at the Trade Registry Office J23/5147/2022, unique registration code (CUI) RO 46581920, referred to below as "DRUZY".



- people who use the website ("the User") ("the Site")


Accessing and using the Site, including any of its component pages or sections, can only be done in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, which include the GDPR Policy, the Cookies Policy posted on the www.druzy website .US

In order to use the services, we may require the user to express his agreement with these Terms and Conditions by a specific action, which has the meaning of an unequivocal consent (eg checking the specific box "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the site").

To ensure compliance with the terms of access and use of the Services, Users must check the terms and conditions of use at the time of each access to the Site. Even if you fail to review the terms and conditions, but use the Site, we will consider that you have accepted this set of Terms and Conditions (including any updates to them).

If you do not agree to the provisions of this set of Terms and Conditions (including any update thereof), please do not use, or as the case may be, stop using the Site.


"Site" - domain. The site is registered under the name of WARRIERA AKASHA SRL, limited liability company, with registered office located in Romania, Ilfov county, Rosu village, Viitorului str., no. 24, registered at the Trade Registry Office J23/5147/2022, unique registration code (CUI) RO 46581920, referred to below as "DRUZY".

"Account" - the section of the Site consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows the Buyer to submit the Order and that contains information such as username, password, delivery address and order history. User shall ensure that all account information is correct, complete and up-to-date.

"User" - any natural person who is over 18 years of age or legal entity registered on the Site, who, by creating the Account, expresses his agreement regarding the site-specific clauses in the Terms and Conditions section.

"Buyer" - any natural person who is over 18 years old or legal person who creates an Account on the Site and places an Order

"Favorites" - section of the Account that allows the User to create Lists of products that he wants to follow with a view to a possible purchase.

"Favorite list" - the section of the Account where the User can add products that he wants to follow for a possible purchase. The User can make changes to the List by adding or deleting products or by transferring them to the Shopping Cart.

"Shopping cart" section of the Account where the User can add products he wants to purchase

"Order" - The electronic document with which the Buyer conveys to the Seller the intention to purchase products from the Site.

"Contract" - represents the remote contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer.

"Confirmation" is the process by which the Company confirms to the Customer that the Order he placed has been received. After receiving the Order Confirmation, the order cannot be refused by the Customer. Confirmation of the received Order is not equivalent to its acceptance by the Company.

"Acceptance" - Acceptance of an Order placed by the Customer will be considered effective and, respectively, it will be considered that DRUZY and the Customer have concluded a sales contract for the Products that are the subject of that Order, from the moment of their delivery and handover to the Customer , to the extent that the other requirements set forth in these Conditions are met


All information on the Site that can be accessed through an electronic device.

Any form of communication transmitted by the Seller to the Users by means of any electronic or other means.

"Commercial communications" - Messages via the Website, e-mail, mobile phone in which the Seller sends the User information about ongoing campaigns, current or future offers and promotions, retargeting campaigns, opinion polls or general information

"Transaction" - the collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale of a product through the Site, depending on the method of payment or reimbursement



The articles (texts + images) published by the Company are protected by laws regarding intellectual property rights (such as - but not limited to: Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, Law no. 84/1998 on trademarks and geographical indications). Reproduction of any written or illustrative material in these articles is strictly prohibited without the prior consent of the publisher.



(Registered) users are solely responsible for the content of their messages.

In order to establish a communication link based on decency and mutual respect within the comments section provided by the Site, we ask all users to take into account the following rules:

Do not use foul language; insults of any kind are not allowed; It is not allowed to use names that contain insults, trivialities, vulgar words;

Antisocial messages are not allowed; those that incite illegal actions, violence or xenophobia;

Posts that contain discrimination are not allowed, regardless of whether they refer to gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc.;

All messages express only the point of view and opinions of their authors; full responsibility, from a legal point of view, rests entirely with the authors both in the case of articles posted on the Site and of messages and materials uploaded by the Site's users;

Account name: The use of names with sexual connotations is not allowed;

It is not allowed to use offensive names for various social categories;

It is prohibited to broadcast defamatory, threatening, vulgar, obscene, racially hateful, malicious, inaccurate, or in any way contrary to the law, both within the forum and anywhere else on the website.

It is forbidden to use the information provided by other members to obtain material benefits or for commercial purposes.

Collecting/collecting personal data about other Site Users is prohibited;

It is not allowed to use names that, through their content, advertise various sites, companies or products;

It is prohibited to post, upload or transmit in any way on the Site illegal materials or materials that do not comply with applicable law, including copyright, trademark or other industrial property rights;

It is prohibited to use the Site for the purpose of promoting illegal activities, or providing information related to illegal activities;

It is prohibited to use the Site for posting or transmitting advertising, promotional or "spam" messages;

Messages containing personal data such as phone numbers, addresses, CNP, BI/CI series, messenger IDs, e-mail addresses are not allowed;

Impersonating another person, representing another institution or falsely claiming to be affiliated with a person or institution is prohibited;

For non-compliance with these rules by Users, the Company reserves the right to prohibit access to the Site and or to any of the Services offered.


The Company does not guarantee that the information contained in the Site is fully complete or accurate;

The company does not guarantee that the information entered by website users is real, correct and does not assume responsibility for the way visitors use it;

The Company does not guarantee that the information or services on the Site will satisfy all visitors' requirements;

The company does not assume responsibility for the results obtained by visitors as a result of using the information or services on the Site; the use of information and services on the Site is at your own risk;

The Company does not assume responsibility for any damages that the Users may have due to the temporary or defective operation of the site or for the use of information obtained by using the links on the Site to other sites (their use is at the discretion of the Users ).


By registering an Order on the Site, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication chosen by the Seller for its commercial operations (telephone or e-mail).

After placing the Order, the Buyer will receive an electronic notification from the Seller to the e-mail address specified when the Account was created. This notification does not constitute acceptance of the order.

If the product(s) ordered is no longer in the Seller's stock, he will notify the Buyer of the situation and propose similar products to the Buyer. If the Buyer does not wish to purchase other products instead of the unavailable ones, the Seller will return to him the amount paid for the initial Order, if applicable.

The contract between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded when the Buyer receives the product from the Seller, after making the payment according to the agreed terms.



All the prices of the products presented on the Site are expressed in lei (RON).

Any User may use the Site to place an order with the Seller.

The User can communicate with the Seller by means of the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers mentioned in the Contact section. The Seller has the freedom to use the data received from the User, according to the privacy policy, for the purpose of carrying out case studies, customer profile, customer behavior in order to improve services.


The online store offers the following payment options:

- card payment


Obtaining the payment by DRUZY does not mean the Acceptance of the Order and the payment itself does not imply the Company's obligation to honor the Order, unless the other conditions are met, namely the Client has presented all the documents requested by the DRUZY employee, their request imposing- according to the legislation in force, respectively, the Products ordered by the Customer have been delivered and handed over. If the Order is not honored, due to the non-fulfillment of one of the conditions listed above, the amount paid by the Customer will be returned to him.

In the case of the payment option by bank transfer, the payment is to be made from the bank account of the person whose data is mentioned in the Order. Otherwise, DRUZY has the right to refuse to honor the Order and not deliver the Products.



All materials used on the Site are the intellectual property of the Seller. In the event of copyright infringement, the email address is available

The content, logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images presented on the Site are the exclusive property of the Seller.

It is forbidden to copy, distribute, publish, transfer, alter, use, any Content in any context other than the one originally intended by the Seller, removing the signs signifying the Seller's copyright on the Content.

The User may copy, transfer and/or use the Content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.



By using the contact form or the service present on the Site, the User declares that he accepts to be contacted by the Seller by any means available, by completing the information in the contact data: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and understands that these data are to be processed in the Seller's database for the purpose of improving services and commercial relations.

Regarding cookies, please refer to the Cookies Policy displayed on the website

With regard to general provisions on the protection of personal data, please refer to the GDPR Policy displayed on the website


The Seller will maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Buyer.

DRUZY collects the following personal information through the Site:

  • Contact information (surname, surname, age, email address, delivery address, telephone)
  • Username and password
  • Comments and other content that the Customer provides
  • Information about personal interests
  • Demographic information
  • Location data (derived from IP address and delivery address)
  • Information about the online activities of the Customer (information about the device, about the history and browsing behavior) through the use of cookies

Druzy uses this information for the following purposes:

  • To evaluate and improve the quality of services and products, for product and customer base analysis, data analysis and other internal functions
  • To communicate with the User via e-mail, mobile phone
  • To keep abreast of relevant industry standards
  • To respond to Customer requests


The Buyer completes the Order by adding the products to the Shopping Cart and completing the Order when making the payment, choosing one of the methods specified by the Seller.

Any product added to the Shopping Cart is available for purchase to the extent that it is in the Seller's stock. Adding a product to the Shopping Cart, without completing the Order, does not represent the registration of the Order, nor the automatic reservation of the product.

By completing the order form and completing the payment, the Buyer assumes responsibility that all the data provided is correct and complete at the time of purchase.

By completing the Order process, the Buyer agrees that the Seller can contact him by all the stipulated means, when the situation requires it.

For situations where the bank issuing the Buyer's card does not accept payment - in the case of online payment, or the data provided by the Buyer is incorrect or incomplete, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the Order. It will issue a notice to the Buyer and will be exempted from any further obligation.



After completing the Order, the Seller will issue an invoice to the Buyer for the delivered products, based on the data provided by him, according to the legislation in force.

As a result of the contractual relations that exist between Societatea druzy SRL, with the identification data mentioned above, and the company you represent, respectively the natural person, as the case may be, we inform you that personal data are processed for fiscal purposes - accountant.

What kind of data?: name, surname, tax registration data (for companies), address, CNP and CI data, if applicable.

Purpose and duration?: the data transmitted above are essential elements in the issuance and registration of fiscal documents according to the legal provisions of art. 319 and others of the Fiscal Code for the tax invoice, as well as subsequently, in order to comply with the applicable legal obligations regarding archiving, since according to art. 25 of the Accounting Law no. 82/1991 invoices are archived for a period of 10 years. There may also be situations where the law obliges us to allow access to supervisory, tax and judicial authorities.

Your consent to the processing of your personal data is voluntary. However, if you refuse to express this consent, it will become impossible to issue the requested documents, respectively the development of commercial relations.

Rights: in order to protect the personal data you have entrusted to us and considering Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of April 27, 2016 and entered into force on May 25, 2018, we inform you that in in accordance with the Regulation mentioned above, as well as other applicable national legal provisions, you have the following rights: access, rectification and, without violating the fiscal provisions in force, deletion of your data, the right to withdraw your consent for data processing and the right to object to data processing, the right to restrict/limit processing, the right to data portability, the right to obtain human intervention in case of an automated individual decision and the right to file a complaint with the data processing supervisory authority, as well as other applicable rights. For a complete analysis of the GDPR Policy, please review the website

The data operator is the company Societatea Warierra Akasha SRL with the identification data mentioned above.



The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the products for optimal handling and the transmission of the necessary documents for delivery.


The seller will make every effort to provide correct information regarding the price and features of the products. Some features and/or prices may be wrong due to human error. If the Buyer places an Order where the product is priced incorrectly, the Seller has the right to cancel the Buyer's Order.


In the case of registering an order where the product has the wrong characteristics due to a human or technical error, the Seller will make every effort to deliver a product with characteristics similar to the product ordered. If the Buyer will not agree to this solution, the Seller has the right to cancel this order.


For purchases made online, customers benefit from a period of 14 calendar days for returns.

For purchases made online, the customer has a period of 14 calendar days, from the date of purchase of the product, in which to return it.

The cost of the return is borne by the seller.


Only products received in good working condition, in the original packaging, will be accepted for return.

The buyer will not be able to return the purchased products and/or will not claim any other compensation, in the following situations:

Ø The return request is made after the 14 calendar day period has passed;

Ø The returned product is not in the same condition in which it was delivered,

If the Buyer does not return the products properly packed for handling, the courier appointed by the Seller to pick them up at his expense is entitled to refuse to take over the package.

If the Buyer chooses a different return method than the one agreed by the Seller, the Buyer is responsible for any packaging and handling irregularities found upon receipt of the return.

The Seller will reimburse the Buyer the amount received within 3 calendar days from the date on which he receives the returned goods by bank transfer to the IBAN account from which the online payment was made.

The return request will be made by the Buyer to




Ownership of the products will be transferred upon delivery, after payment has been made by the Buyer to the address indicated in the Order. Delivery means the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or the signature of receipt on the tax invoice in the case of picking up the products from the Seller's physical locations.


These Terms and Conditions are subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising between the Seller and Users / Buyers will be resolved amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be settled by the competent Romanian courts.


The Company reserves the right to periodically update this set of Terms and Conditions (eg to correspond to changes in legislation or the services provided by the Company). Registered Users will be notified of the operation of updates / changes to the Terms and Conditions, Registered Users will be asked to express their agreement to the updated Terms and Conditions.

To ensure compliance with the terms of access to the site and use of the services, the user must check the terms and conditions of use of the Site at the time of each access to the site. Use of the Site and/or any services, even if the user fails to review the applicable terms and conditions, constitutes the user's express agreement to accept those conditions.

Data protection: to the extent that, in addition to the information presented above, you consider that you need additional clarifications regarding the issue of personal data, you can contact us at the following e-mail address: or at the address of the registered office of the operator mentioned in the introductory part.

For any non-compliance with this set of rules, observation, complaint or problem related to the Site, please write to us at the address: