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AMAZONITE: Properties, Energy Benefits, Significance

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 8 min

In the fascinating world of crystals, amazonite is distinguished by its bluish-green hues and its calming and balancing energy. Known as the "Stone of Courage and Truth," amazonite has been prized since ancient times for its ability to encourage honesty, clarity, and honest communication. This wonderful crystal not only attracts with its natural beauty, but also offers a multitude of benefits for the body, mind and spirit.

"Amazonite, the stone of courage and truth, brings peace of mind and mental clarity, allowing you to express yourself honestly and live in harmony with yourself and those around you."

1. AMAZONITE: emotional benefits

  1. Calm and serenity : Amazonite has a soothing energy that helps reduce stress and anxiety. It promotes a state of calm and serenity, helping you to better cope with life's emotional challenges.
  2. Encouraging honest communication : Amazonite stimulates the clear and sincere expression of thoughts and emotions. It helps to improve communication skills, facilitating open and honest discussions, which can lead to more harmonious and stronger relationships.
  3. Increased self-esteem : This crystal improves self-confidence and self-esteem. It helps you recognize your personal worth and express your authenticity without fear of judgment or rejection.
  4. Freedom from fears and emotional blockages : Amazonite helps you identify and release fears and emotional blockages that prevent you from living your life to the fullest. It allows for a positive transformation and an openness to new opportunities.
Amazonite is a valuable ally for anyone who wants to improve their emotional state, find inner peace and live in harmony with themselves and those around them. By integrating amazonite into your daily life, you can experience deep emotional healing and overall well-being.

Essential products to get started:

2. Properties of AMAZONIT - the spiritual plane

Amazonite is a crystal with remarkable spiritual properties, providing support in the process of spiritual growth and inner exploration. 

Its gentle and calming energy makes it easy to connect with the higher dimensions and promote inner harmony. 

Here is how amazonite influences the spiritual plane and its connection to the chakras:
Spiritual Properties of Amazonite:
  1. Spiritual clarity and intuition : Amazonite helps to open the mind and access intuition, allowing you to receive messages and guidance from the higher planes. It facilitates mental and spiritual clarity, aiding in a deep understanding of oneself and the purpose of life.
  2. Balance and harmony : This crystal promotes balance between body, mind and spirit. Its harmonizing energy helps to align the inner energies and maintain a state of inner peace and balance.
  3. Openness and transformation : Amazonite supports the process of spiritual transformation. It facilitates openness to new perspectives and opportunities, promoting personal and spiritual growth.
  4. Meditation and Spiritual Connection : This crystal is an excellent ally for meditation practices, helping to deepen the state of introspection and connect with spiritual guides. Its calming energy creates a favorable environment for inner exploration and for attaining higher states of consciousness.

Amazonite's connection to the chakras:
  1. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) : Amazonite is closely associated with the throat chakra, facilitating clear and honest communication. It helps to unblock this chakra, allowing for the free expression of thoughts and emotions. It stimulates communication skills and helps to express inner truth.
  2. Heart Chakra (Anahata) : Amazonite also has a strong connection to the heart chakra, promoting unconditional love, compassion, and empathy. It facilitates emotional healing and energy balance, helping to open the heart to feelings of love and harmony.
Practical use of amazonite for chakras:
  • Meditation : Place amazonite on the throat chakra or heart chakra during meditation to facilitate the opening and balancing of these energy centers. Focus on your breath and visualize the calming energy of amazonite by cleansing and energizing those chakras.
Amazonite is a powerful and versatile crystal that is ideal for those who want to improve their spiritual state and promote balance and harmony between chakras. By integrating amazonite into your daily life, you can experience positive transformation and significant spiritual growth.

"Intuition is the whisper of our soul, and spirituality is the way by which we learn to listen to and understand this divine whisper."

3. Properties of AMAZONIT - the mental plane

Amazonite improves communication skills, making it easier to express thoughts and ideas clearly and coherently. 

This crystal stimulates creativity and inspiration, making it ideal for artists and innovators. 
Amazonite also supports learning and memory, helping you assimilate and retain new information more effectively. By balancing mental energies, amazonite helps to develop a positive and constructive outlook on life. 
Additionally, this crystal encourages self-reflection and introspection, facilitating a deeper understanding of oneself and personal motivations. 
Amazonite promotes self-confidence and courage, supporting you to achieve your goals and harness your intellectual potential. In essence, amazonite is a valuable ally for anyone who wants to improve their mental state and achieve a higher level of clarity and balance.

"Nothing is entirely good or bad; our thinking makes it so."

William Shakespeare 

"Crystals have a special role in our lives, that of amplifying and emphasizing the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People possess an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal evolution."

If you want to purchase these wonders of nature, we invite you to visit our online store.


How do I purify Amazonite?

The purification of the prehnite is an important process to keep its energy clean and efficient. Here are some common and effective methods of purifying prehnite:

1. Water Purification

  • Running water: Hold the stone under running water for a few minutes. Make sure the water is cold or at room temperature. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the stone.
  • Salt water: Dissolve sea salt in a bowl of water and leave the stone in this solution for a few hours or overnight. After that, rinse the stone thoroughly with clean water to remove the salt.

2. Purification with Smoke

  • Smudge sticks: Use a smudge stick of sage, palo santo, or incense. Light up the smudge stick and run the stone through the smoke produced for a few minutes. Make sure that the smoke touches all parts of the stone.
  • Incense: You can also use incense cones or scented sticks. Leave the stone near the smoke source to be cleaned.

3. Purification with Sound

  • Tibetan bowls: It uses the sound produced by a Tibetan bowl to purify the stone. Sound and vibration can help to cleanse and rebalance the energy of the prehnit.
  • Bells: The sound produced by the bells can also help clean the stone.

4. Purification with Other Crystals

  • Amethyst: Place the prehnite on an amethyst cluster or in an amethyst geode for several hours. Amethyst has cleansing and purifying properties.
  • Quartz Crystal: You can also use a quartz cluster or quartz stick to clean the prehnite.

5. Purification with Moonlight

  • Moonlight: Place the prehnite in the light of the full moon to clean and recharge. Leave the stone outside or on a windowsill where it can receive direct moonlight for several hours or overnight.

6. Purification with Intention

  • Meditation and Intention: Hold the stone in your hands and visualize a clean white light surrounding and cleaning the stone. Set your intention to purify and recharge your prehnite with positive energy.


The choice of purification method depends on your personal preferences and available resources. It is important to purify the prehnite regularly, especially if you use it frequently in healing practices or meditation. This will keep the stone's energy clean and efficient.

What is the meaning of Amazonite?

Amazonite is known as the "Stone of Courage and Truth" due to its ability to encourage honesty, clarity, and honest communication. This bluish-green crystal is prized for its calming and balancing properties, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of inner tranquility. Amazonite stimulates creativity and inspiration, making it a valuable ally for artists and innovators. It also helps to balance the feminine and masculine energies in the body, promoting inner harmony and balance. It is associated with the heart chakra and throat chakra, facilitating unconditional love, compassion, and the clear expression of emotions and thoughts. Amazonite protects against negative influences and electromagnetic radiation, creating a protective energy shield. It is used in meditation to help connect with higher energies and access intuition. In relationships, amazonite supports open communication and sincere, helping to resolve conflicts and strengthen emotional bonds. Essentially, amazonite is a versatile crystal that promotes courage, truth, and harmony, bringing a sense of well-being and balance to the lives of those who use it.

What zodiac signs is Amazonite suitable for?

Amazonite is a versatile crystal suitable for all signs due to its beneficial properties, but certain signs can especially resonate with its energy. Here are some signs for which amazonite is particularly beneficial:

Signs for which Amazonite is Suitable

  1. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) :

    • Virgos, known for their analytical nature and attention to detail, can benefit from the calming and balanced energy of amazonite. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, providing mental clarity and support in decision-making.
  2. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) :

    • Aquarians, being innovative and progress-oriented, can find in amazonite an ally to stimulate creativity and facilitate clear and open communication. Amazonite also supports the independence and originality of Aquarians.
  3. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) :

    • Tauruses value stability and security, and amazonite gives them a sense of calm and balance. This crystal helps to manage emotions and maintain a positive outlook on life.
  4. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) :

    • Gemini, who are highly communicative and curious, can benefit from amazonite's properties that improve communication skills and boost mental clarity. Amazonite helps Gemini express their thoughts and feelings in a coherent and harmonious way.
  5. Libra (September 23 - October 22) :

    • Libras, who seek harmony and balance in life, can use amazonite to maintain emotional balance and encourage harmonious relationships. Its calming energy helps to reduce conflict and promote mutual understanding.

Although these signs may have a special affinity for amazonite, anyone can use this crystal to benefit from its calming, balancing, and communication-boosting properties. Amazonite is a versatile crystal that can bring clarity, tranquility, and harmony to anyone's life.