Proprietati acvamarin

Aquamarine: Properties, Benefits, Significance, Use

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 11 min

Aquamarine is one of the most captivating and remarkable semiprecious stones, guiding us through its subtle brilliance. In this article, we will delve into its universe full of mystery and beauty, exploring its unique meaning and power. From its deep calm and the tranquility it inspires, to its healing benefits and unique properties, we will venture into the depths of this natural jewel. Let's discover together the mystery and charm of aquamarine and find out how to integrate it practically into our daily lives.

"Aquamarine: a whiff of blue recounting the silence of the ocean and the brightness of the sky."

1. Aquamarine semiprecious stone: benefits and properties

1.1 Aquamarine: emotional benefits

Aquamarine is often associated with water, an essential element that symbolizes fluidity, calmness and purification.

Aquamarine induces a deep state of calm and tranquility, similar to the feeling of peace we feel near still water. It's great for reducing stress and anxiety.

Stimulating empathy:  Aquamarine promotes empathy and emotional understanding. It helps connect with the feelings of others, facilitating deeper and more authentic communication.

Healing emotional wounds: Aquamarine helps heal emotional wounds from the past and release resentment. It promotes forgiveness and reconciliation, essential for healing and strengthening relationships.

Self-confidence:  Aquamarine strengthens self-confidence and authentic self-expression. It helps to express one's true personality without fear of judgment or rejection.

Essential products to get started:

1.2 Aquamarine properties - spiritual plane

Heightened intuition:  Aquamarine is known for its ability to stimulate intuition. It helps develop clairvoyance and intuitive perception, allowing us to have a better understanding of circumstances and directions we should follow.

Energy purification:  Aquamarine helps cleanse and purify the aura, removing negative energies and energy blockages that can hinder the flow of positive energy.

Connection with the higher self:  Aquamarine facilitates connection with the higher self and deeper aspects of being, helping to discover inner spiritual truths.

Deep meditation:  It is an excellent stone for meditation, helping to calm the mind and induce a state of deep meditation. Aquamarine facilitates intense and profound meditative experiences.

"Spirituality is not an escape from life, but a way to live life in depth and authenticity."

Thich Nhat Hanh

1.3 Aquamarine properties - mental plane

Mental calm:  Aquamarine is known for its ability to induce a state of calm and mental tranquility. This stone helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing us to keep calm in tense situations and have a clear and quiet mind.

Clarity and focus:  Aquamarine is great for improving mental clarity and focus. It helps eliminate confusion and disorganized thoughts, allowing us to better focus on our goals and tasks. It is especially useful for those who need clarity in decision making and a clear mind in complex situations.

Stimulating creativity:  Aquamarine is beneficial for stimulating creativity and inspiration. It facilitates the free flow of ideas and innovation, making it ideal for artists, writers and anyone who wants to explore their creative side.

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." -


1.4 Aquamarine Benefits – Health, Body

The respiratory system: Aquamarine is known for its beneficial effects on the respiratory system. It helps relieve respiratory conditions such as sinusitis, bronchitis and allergies. It is helpful in reducing throat inflammation and nasal congestion, facilitating easier and deeper breathing.

Thyroid gland: Aquamarine has a positive impact on the thyroid gland, helping to regulate its functions. It is beneficial in balancing metabolism and managing thyroid-related problems such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Immune system: This stone helps strengthen the immune system, helping the body fight infections and diseases. Aquamarine stimulates the production of white blood cells, essential for strong immunity.

Eyes: Aquamarine is associated with eye health. It helps relieve eye fatigue and vision problems. It can also be used to reduce symptoms of eye conditions like conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

Skin: Aquamarine has skin healing properties. It is useful in treating skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. It can help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process of the skin.

Circulatory system: Aquamarine supports the health of the circulatory system, contributing to good blood circulation. It is beneficial in reducing blood pressure and preventing blood clots.

Nervous system: Aquamarine has a calming effect on the nervous system. It helps reduce stress, anxiety and panic states. It is useful for calming the nerves and inducing a state of relaxation and tranquility.

To make sure you keep your health safe, always consult a doctor or specialist before trying any form of therapy, including the use of crystals.

"Health is true wealth, not pieces of gold and silver."

Mahatma Gandhi

2. Top 10 benefits of aquamarine semiprecious stone

  • Self-confidence:  Aquamarine strengthens self-confidence and authentic self-expression.
  • Improving communication Aquamarine stimulates the throat chakra, facilitating clear and honest expression of your feelings and thoughts, thereby improving communication skills.
  • Emotional and energetic protection Create a protective shield against negative energies and harmful external influences, helping you maintain emotional stability.
  • Stimulating creativity and intuition - This stone increases your creativity and intuition, being especially useful for artists, writers and those who want to access inner inspiration.
  • Spiritual connection Aquamarine facilitates connection with spirit guides and higher planes of consciousness, helping you access divine wisdom and knowledge.
  • Balance and inner harmony - It contributes to balancing your internal energies, promoting a state of harmony and balance both emotionally and spiritually.
  • Purification and detoxification of the body - Helps purify the physical body and energy field, eliminating toxins and energy blockages that prevent you from functioning at full capacity.
  • Physical healing Aquamarine is recognized for its healing properties, being beneficial for respiratory conditions, skin problems and strengthening the immune system.
  • Courage and inner strength - This stone strengthens your inner courage and resilience, helping you face your fears and overcome challenges with confidence and determination.

Everyone can feel and interpret these effects and benefits in a unique way, according to their personal needs and experiences. We urge you to let your intuition and senses guide you.

"Crystals are poems carved by the hands of time, keeping within them the secrets of all existence."

3. Integration of aquamarine into everyday life, practical ways to use

Aquamarine can be integrated into your daily life in a variety of ways to constantly enhance your well-being and well-being.

3.1 Meditation, relaxation, crystal therapy with aquamarine

Aquamarine can be a valuable companion on your meditation journey, helping you achieve deeper states of relaxation, clarity, and self-expression.

Choice of place and position: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down for meditation. You can choose to place aquamarine crystal in front of you, on your neck, chest or hold it in your hand. Choose the position that feels best for you and helps you feel connected and comfortable, let your intuition guide you.

Setting intent: Before you begin meditation, take a few moments to clarify your intention. You can aim to relax deeply, calm your mind, or connect with aquamarine energy. Be open and receptive to what occurs during meditation, without putting pressure on the results.

Start of meditation: Start by focusing on your breathing, consciously bringing your attention to inhalation and exhalation. Slow down your breathing rate and try to relax more and more in each breath. As you relax, incorporate the calming energy of aquamarine and imagine it permeating your entire being.

Exploring sensations: As you meditate, notice the sensations and thoughts that arise in your mind. Be aware of any tension or restlessness and allow them to gradually dissolve. Visualize crystal energy flowing through your body, clearing any blockages and balancing your chakras, especially your throat chakra, for clear and sincere communication and expression.

Completion of meditation: After meditating long enough, slowly bring your attention back to your breath and the present moment. Feel yourself gradually returning to consciousness and open your eyes when you feel ready. Take a moment to reflect on your experience.

3.2 Aquamarine jewelry

Wear aquamarine jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings to benefit from crystal energy consistently. Choose jewelry that comes into direct contact with your skin to allow aquamarine energy to flow efficiently throughout the day.

Wearing jewelry with semiprecious stones in contact with the skin can establish a direct link between the subtle energy of crystals and our body. This connection facilitates a constant flow of energy through our entire energy system, maintaining our balance and vitality throughout the day. In this way, jewelry with semiprecious stones becomes not only aesthetic accessories, but also subtle revitalization tools that surround us every moment of the day.

3.3 Aquamarine stone in your pocket, purse or wallet

Carrying semiprecious stones in your purse, wallet or pocket can provide subtle and constant support, bringing balance and positive energy into everyday life.

3.4 Positioning aquamarine in your home

1. Main entrance: Place an aquamarine crystal near the main entrance to purify the energy entering your home. This will help create a peaceful and harmonious environment.

2. Living room: Aquamarine can be placed in the living room to promote open and harmonious communication between family members and guests. You can place the crystal on a coffee table, on a shelf or in the center of the room.

3. Office or workspace: Place aquamarine on your desk to boost mental clarity, concentration, and creativity. It will also help reduce work-related stress and anxiety.

4. Bedroom: Place aquamarine on your nightstand or under your pillow to induce a peaceful sleep and calm your mind before bed. Its soothing energy can help reduce stress and promote clear dreams.

5. Bathroom: Place aquamarine in your bathroom to transform this space into a sanctuary of relaxation and renewal. Its purifying energy can amplify the effects of a relaxing bath.

6. Meditation room: If you have a space dedicated to meditation, place aquamarine in this place to facilitate deep meditation and help you achieve a state of calm and inner peace.

7. Child's room: Aquamarine can be placed in the child's room to promote a quiet and safe environment. Its calming energy can help reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep.

8. Garden or balcony: Place aquamarine in your garden or balcony to bring its purifying energy into your outdoor space. It can help create a natural and peaceful environment where you can relax and recharge energetically.

9. Seating area: If you have a special corner where you like to relax, such as a favorite armchair or reading corner, aquamarine can be placed there to amplify the feeling of tranquility and relaxation. 

"Crystals have a special role in our lives, to amplify and emphasize the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People hold an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal growth."

If you want to purchase these wonders of nature, we invite you to visit our online store.


How do I purify aquamarine?

Aquamarine purification is essential to maintain and renew its healing and beneficial energy. Here are some effective methods to purify aquamarine:

1. Clean water:

  • Method: Keep aquamarine under a jet of clean water or spring for a few minutes.
  • Precautions: Make sure you use cold water and avoid very hot water or soaps that can damage the crystal surface.

2. Sea salt:

  • Method: Place aquamarine in a bowl of sea salt and leave it there for a few hours or overnight.
  • Precautions: Do not leave aquamarine in salt for too long to avoid possible damage. After cleaning, rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

3. Sunlight or lunar light:

  • Method: Place aquamarine in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. Full moonlight is particularly effective for charging crystals.
  • Precautions: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can discolor aquamarine, so limit exposure time.

4. Frankincense or sage smoke:

  • Method: Pass aquamarine through the smoke produced by frankincense, sage, or other sacred plants for a few minutes.
  • Precautions: Make sure you use a natural smoke source and avoid using synthetic products.

5. Earth:

  • Method: Bury aquamarine in the ground or in a pot of plants for 24 hours to purify and recharge it.
  • Precautions: Place aquamarine in a bag made of natural material to avoid loss or damage.

6. Purifying crystals:

  • Method: Place aquamarine on a piece of selenite or clear quartz to purify and recharge it. These crystals have self-purifying properties and can cleanse other crystals.
  • Precautions: Make sure aquamarine is in direct contact with selenite or quartz.

7. Sounds:

  • Method: Use a Tibetan bowl, bells or other sound instruments to emit vibrations that cleanse aquamarine energy.
  • Precautions: Place your aquamarine in a safe place and stabilize it to avoid falling during the sound purification process.

These purification methods will help keep your aquamarine in optimal condition for use, ensuring that its energy remains clear and beneficial to you.

Is aquamarine suitable for all signs? If not, for which is it most beneficial?

Aquamarine is a universal crystal, beneficial for all signs due to its energies of calm, clarity and communication. However, certain signs can benefit more intensely from its specific properties.

In particular, aquamarine is considered particularly beneficial for natives of:

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Being their birthstone, aquamarine helps amplify Pisces' natural intuition and psychic abilities, while promoting calmness and mental clarity.
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Aquamarine supports clear communication and expression of ideas, which is important for Aquarius natives who are often innovative and progress-oriented.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): This stone helps balance emotions and promote harmonious relationships, which is in harmony with the balanced and relational nature of Libra.
  • Gemini (May 21 to June 20): For Gemini, aquamarine can improve communication skills and mental clarity, helping them express themselves more effectively and manage their emotions better.

In conclusion, although aquamarine is beneficial for all signs, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra and Gemini can particularly feel its positive effects due to the specific energetic alignment with these zodiac signs.

What is the meaning of aquamarine?

Aquamarine is a gemstone that symbolizes clarity, calmness and courage. It is often associated with the element water, thereby reflecting fluidity and purification. This stone is known for its ability to improve communication, facilitating honest and open expression of thoughts and emotions. Aquamarine also promotes empathy and understanding, helping to establish harmonious and balanced relationships. Spiritually, aquamarine stimulates intuition and connection with the higher self, providing energetic protection and purification. It is considered a stone of tranquility and renewal, bringing peace and mental clarity into the life of the wearer.