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CELESTITE: properties, meaning, benefits, use

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 8 min

In a hectic and stressful world, the search for peace and inner balance becomes a priority for many of us. In this journey towards harmony, the celestite, with its delicate shades of blue and its deeply calming energy, stands out as a precious ally. Also known as the stone of the heavens, celestite not only brings deep inner peace but also facilitates remarkable spiritual connections.
Celestite is revered for his ability to open the doors to the angelic realms, allowing us to connect with our spirit guides and receive divine guidance. This extraordinary stone exudes a gentle vibration that aligns and balances the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, amplifying intuition and spiritual wisdom.
In this article, we will explore in depth the properties and benefits of celestite, how it can be used in meditation and healing practices, as well as its special connection to certain zodiac signs. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just a beginner in the world of crystals, celestite can bring you a sense of well-being and spiritual connection that you have never experienced before.

Celestite is the stone that brings us the peace of heaven on Earth. Its gentle and healing energy connects us with the angelic realms and envelops us in a deep sense of tranquility and clarity. It is a beacon of divine wisdom, illuminating our path to intuition and spiritual enlightenment.

1. Celestit: emotional benefits

Celestite is known for its many emotional benefits, helping to heal and balance emotions. Here are some of these benefits, presented in the form of bullet points:
  • Calm and inner peace : It exudes a gentle and soothing energy, which helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of calm and inner peace.
  • Freedom from fears : It helps to release fears and anxieties, providing courage and confidence to face emotional challenges.
  • Healing emotional trauma : It facilitates the process of healing emotional wounds and releasing past traumas, bringing a state of comfort and release.
  • Encouraging compassion : It amplifies feelings of compassion and empathy, helping to develop harmonious relationships and understand the emotions of those around you.
  • Emotional clarity : It helps to clarify emotions and thoughts, allowing for better understanding and management of them.
  • Emotional stability : Contributes to maintaining emotional balance, reducing emotional oscillations and promoting a state of stability and balance.
  • Support in times of mourning : It provides comfort and emotional support during times of loss and mourning, helping to find inner peace.
  • Improving relationships : It facilitates open and honest communication in relationships, helping to resolve conflicts and create deeper and healthier emotional bonds.
  • Removing negativity : It helps to cleanse negative energies and maintain a positive and healthy emotional environment.
  • Opening the heart : Promotes open-heartedness and receptivity to love and genuine emotional connection.
Celestite is a valuable ally for anyone who wants to improve their emotional state, heal emotional wounds and promote harmonious and balanced relationships.

Essential products to get started:

2. Celestit Properties - the spiritual plane

The Celestite facilitates communication with spirit guides and angels, allowing access to divine wisdom and protection. It stimulates intuitive and clairvoyant skills, helping to perceive subtle realities and develop psychic abilities. It is an excellent crystal for meditation, helping to achieve deep states of introspection and peace of mind. It promotes a state of calm and inner tranquility, reducing stress and anxiety. It supports spiritual seeking and enlightenment, paving the way for higher understanding and expanded consciousness. It facilitates spiritual healing by clearing negative energies and promoting a harmonious energy flow. It creates a protective energy shield, helping to repel negative influences and maintain a pure energy field.

Celestite's Connection to the Chakras

The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is positively influenced by the celestite, helping to express thoughts and emotions clearly and honestly, facilitating open and effective communication. It supports the expression of inner truth and authenticity in communication. 

The third eye chakra (Ajna) benefits from this crystal by stimulating intuitive and clairvoyant abilities, helping to develop extrasensory perception. It helps to clarify thoughts and eliminate mental confusion. 

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) is opened by the celestite, facilitating the connection with universal consciousness and divine energies, promoting spiritual enlightenment. Open the way to accessing higher wisdom and divine knowledge.

Celestite is a valuable crystal for anyone who wants to improve their spiritual practice, develop their intuitive abilities, and maintain a healthy energy balance. It is ideal for meditation, healing, and energetic protection, providing a deep connection to the higher realms and the divine.

"Intuition is the whisper of our soul, and spirituality is the way by which we learn to listen to and understand this divine whisper."

3. Properties Celestit- mental plane

Celestite is a crystal known for its many benefits on the mental plane, helping to clarify and balance the mind. Here are some of these benefits, presented in the form of bullet points:
  • Mental clarity : It helps to eliminate confusion and clarify thoughts, facilitating clearer and more orderly thinking.
  • Focus and focus : Improves the ability to stay focused on tasks, helping to increase efficiency and productivity.
  • Creativity and inspiration : It stimulates creativity and brings inspiration, being useful in artistic and intellectual activities.
  • Memory and learning : Helps improve memory and facilitate the learning process by helping to retain and retrieve information.

  • Intuition and discernment : Amplifies intuition and helps develop discernment, allowing for better assessment of situations and wise decision-making.
  • Mental confidence : It increases confidence in one's own mental and intellectual capacities, encouraging a healthy and strong mental attitude.
  • Mental vision : Facilitates the development of a clear and coherent vision for the future, helping to set and achieve long-term goals.
Celestite is a valuable ally for anyone who wants to improve their mental state, gain clarity and peace of mind, and promote creative and inspired thinking.

"Nothing is entirely good or bad; our thinking makes it so."

William Shakespeare


"Crystals have a special role in our lives, that of amplifying and emphasizing the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People possess an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal evolution."

If you want to purchase these wonders of nature, we invite you to visit our online store.

Recommendations druzy.eu:

How do I purify CELESTITE?

Purifying the celestite is important to maintain and recharge its subtle and spiritual energy. Here are some safe and effective methods for purifying celestite:

Purification Methods for Celestite:

  1. Fumigation :

    • Use sage smoke, palo santo wood, or frankincense to purify the celestite. Pass the crystal through the dense smoke for a few minutes to remove negative energies.
  2. Moonlight :

    • Place the celestial outside or on a windowsill during the night, under the moonlight, preferably during the full moon. Direct sunlight is not recommended because it can damage the color and structure of the celestite.
  3. Crystal Cleansing :

    • Place the celestite on a bed of quartz or amethyst crystals for a few hours. These crystals have cleansing and recharging properties of other stones.
  4. Saltwater :

    • Although it is not recommended for all crystals, you can immerse celestite in salt water for a short time. Be sure to dry the crystal thoroughly afterwards to avoid damage.
  5. Reiki :

    • If you practice Reiki or know someone who does, the Reiki energy can be used to purify and recharge the celestial.
  6. Sounds :

    • Use Tibetan bowls, bells, or other musical instruments to create purifying sounds. Sounds can help remove negative energies from the crystal.
  7. Intent and visualization :

    • He holds the celestine in his hands and visualizes a bright white light surrounding and cleansing it. Set the intention to purify and recharge the crystal.

Cautionary Note:

Celestite is a relatively brittle crystal that is sensitive to water, heat, and chemicals. It is important to use gentle purification methods and avoid prolonged exposure to elements that could damage the crystal.

What is the meaning of Celestite?

Celestite is a crystal prized for its calming energy and ability to facilitate spiritual connection. This delicate blue mineral is associated with angels and the higher realms, promoting communication with spirit guides and providing divine protection. Celestite is known for its properties of bringing inner peace and mental clarity, reducing stress and anxiety. It helps to open and activate the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, facilitating intuition and spiritual enlightenment. It is used in meditation to achieve deep states of tranquility and introspection, and is considered a valuable ally for emotional healing, helping to release trauma and fears. Celestite also supports creativity and inspiration, being useful for artists and those working in creative fields. This crystal exudes a gentle and healing energy, making it ideal for anyone looking to improve their condition spiritual and mental.

What zodiac signs is Celestil suitable for?

Celestite is a crystal that can benefit any sign due to its calming and spiritual properties. However, certain signs may resonate specifically with its energy. Here are some signs for which the celestite is particularly suitable:

  1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) :

    • Gemini is often in search of knowledge and spiritual connections. Celestite helps them clarify their thoughts and communicate more effectively, while also providing peace of mind.
  2. Libra (September 23 - October 22) :

    • Libras are looking for balance and harmony in their lives. The calming energy of celestite can help them find inner peace and maintain their harmonious relationships.
  3. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) :

    • Aquarians are known for their innovative perspective and connection to the higher realms. Celestite supports them in their spiritual explorations and amplifies their intuition.
  4. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) :

    • Pisces are very intuitive and sensitive to subtle energies. The Celestite intensifies their connection with the spiritual world and brings them clarity and inner peace.
  5. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) :

    • Cancers are emotional and often need stability and emotional protection. Celestite gives them a sense of security and helps them balance their emotions.

Although these signs can especially benefit from the properties of celestite, any person can use this crystal to bring more clarity, calm, and spiritual connection to their life.