Proprietati Lapis Lazuli

LAPIS LAZULI : properties, meaning, benefits and use day to day

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 12 min

Lapis lazuli It is one of the beloved crystals around the world, appreciated for its deep blue color and powerful energies. In this article, we'll explore the power and mystery of lapis lazuli, starting with the meaning and moving through its healing benefits and unique properties, to the practical ways you can integrate it into your daily life. Discover how this ancient crystal can bring mental clarity, wisdom, and spiritual balance, transforming your daily experiences and inner connections.

"Lapis lazuli is the stone of truth and wisdom, opening the doors of the mind and soul to enlightenment and deep knowledge."

1. Lapis Lazuli semi-precious stone: benefits and properties

1.1 Lapis Lazuli: emotional benefits

  • Sincerity : Encourages the honest expression of emotions and thoughts, facilitating open and honest communication.
  • Awareness : Promotes self-awareness and a deep understanding of one's own feelings and motivations.
  • Improving self-esteem : Lapis lazuli helps to increase self-confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to express yourself authentically and without fear.
  • Emotional courage : It gives you the courage to face the truth and take responsibility for your own emotions and actions.

Essential products to get started:

1.2 Properties of Lapis Lazuli - the spiritual plane

1. Connection with the Divine

  • Wisdom and Truth : Lapis lazuli is known as the stone of truth and wisdom, facilitating a deep connection with higher consciousness and the divine.
  • Clairvoyance : It stimulates the skills of clairvoyance and intuition, helping to access higher knowledge and receive spiritual guidance.

2. Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Deep meditation : It helps to achieve states of deep meditation and inner peace, allowing access to higher levels of consciousness.
  • Self-reflection : Promotes self-reflection and introspection, helping to discover inner truths and personal development.

3. Spiritual Protection

  • Energy Shield : Creates a protective shield against negative energies and harmful external influences, maintaining a clean and protected energy field.
  • Energy purification : Helps purify and cleanse auric energy, removing blockages and stagnant energies.

4. Spiritual Development

  • Personal growth : It supports the process of spiritual growth and evolution, helping to overcome limitations and explore inner potential.
  • Connection with past lives : It can facilitate access to knowledge and experiences from past lives by providing insights into the current spiritual path.

Associated chakras

1. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Clear communication : Lapis lazuli stimulates the throat chakra, improving communication skills and expressing truth.
  • Authenticity : It encourages honest and authentic expression, helping to overcome the fear of public speaking or expressing one's opinions.

2. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Intuition and clairvoyance : Lapis lazuli activates the third eye chakra, stimulating intuition, clairvoyance and spiritual perception.
  • Mental awareness : It helps with mental clarity and deep perception of reality, facilitating access to inner knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

"Intuition is the whisper of our soul, and spirituality is the way by which we learn to listen to and understand this divine whisper."

1.3 Properties of Lapis Lazuli - the mental plane

  • Improved thinking : Lapis lazuli helps to clarify thoughts and eliminate mental confusion, allowing you to see things more clearly and make wise decisions.
  • Focus and focus : Boosts your ability to concentrate and focus, helping you stay focused on your tasks and goals.

  • Intellectual inspiration : It promotes a state of inspiration and openness to new perspectives and ideas, being especially useful for writers, artists and any other creative profession.
  • Improving learning capacity : Lapis lazuli can boost the ability to learn and retain information, being beneficial for students and those who want to accumulate new knowledge.
  • Memory : Helps improve memory by helping to retain and organize information.
  • Problem-solving skills : It stimulates critical and analytical thinking, allowing you to approach problems in a logical and effective way.
  • Decision making : It helps to make clear and informed decisions, reducing indecision and confusion.

"Nothing is entirely good or bad; our thinking makes it so."

William Shakespeare

1.4 Benefits of Lapis Lazuli – health, body

Respiratory System

  • Improved breathing : Lapis lazuli may help relieve respiratory problems, such as asthma and allergies, by opening up the airways and making it easier to breathe.
  • Calming cough : It is known for its properties of soothing coughs and throat irritations.

Nervous System

  • Calm and relaxation : Lapis lazuli induces a state of calm and relaxation, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and nervous tension.
  • Emotional balance : Supports emotional and mental balance, contributing to mental stability and reducing symptoms of depression.

Eyes and Vision

  • Improved vision : Lapis lazuli is considered beneficial for eye health, helping to relieve vision problems and prevent eye strain.
  • Reducing eye inflammation : May help reduce inflammation and eye irritation.

To ensure that you keep your health safe, always consult a doctor or specialist before attempting any form of therapy, including the use of crystals.

"Those who have health have hope, and those who have hope have everything."

- Arabic proverb

2. Top 10 Benefits of the Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

    • Stimulating Intuition : Lapis lazuli activates the third eye chakra, amplifying intuitive abilities and providing clarity in decision-making.

    • Clairvoyance : Enhances clairvoyant abilities by allowing access to higher knowledge and spiritual guidance.

    • Spiritual Connection : Facilitates connection with divine energies and higher consciousness, promoting spiritual growth.

    • Energy Balance : Helps balance the chakras, especially the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, ensuring a harmonious energy flow.

    • Deep Meditation : Supports the attainment of states of deep meditation and inner peace, facilitating introspection and self-reflection.

    • Authentic expression : Stimulates the throat chakra, improving the ability to communicate clearly and honestly, encouraging authentic expression.

    • Wisdom and Truth : It promotes the search for truth and the development of wisdom, providing a deeper perspective on life.

    • Energy Protection : Creates a protective shield against negative energies and harmful external influences, maintaining a clean energy field.

    • Self-Awareness : It helps to develop self-awareness and a deep understanding of one's own feelings and motivations.

    • Spiritual Guidance : Provides spiritual guidance and support during spiritual journeys, helping to discover and follow one's personal spiritual path.

  • Lapis lazuli is a powerful crystal for intuitive and spiritual development, facilitating the connection with higher energies and balancing the chakras. Its regular use can contribute to spiritual growth, energy protection, and mental clarity.

Everyone can feel and interpret these effects and benefits in a unique way, according to their personal needs and experiences. We urge you to let your intuition and senses guide you.

"Crystals are poems carved by the hands of time, keeping in them the secrets of all existence."

3. Integrating Lapis Lazuli into daily life, practical ways to use

Lapis Lazuli can be integrated into your everyday life in a variety of ways, to boost your well-being and well-being consistently.

3.1 Meditation, relaxation, crystal therapy with Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli can be a precious companion in your meditation journey, helping you to reach deeper states of connection and open the third eye chakra to discover the truth within.

Choosing the place and position

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down for meditation. You can choose to place the lapis lazuli crystal in front of you, on your forehead (third eye chakra), on your chest, or hold it in your hand. Choose the position that feels best for you and that helps you feel connected and comfortable, letting your intuition guide you.

Setting Intent

Before you start your meditation, take a few moments to clarify your intention. You can aim to open your third eye chakra, calm your mind, or connect with the energy of lapis lazuli. Be open and receptive to what comes up during meditation, without putting pressure on the results.

Starting meditation

Start by focusing on your breathing, consciously bringing attention to your inhalation and exhalation. Slow down your breathing rate and try to relax more and more with each breath. As you relax, encompass the deep energy of lapis lazuli and imagine how it penetrates your entire being, opening and activating the third eye chakra.

Exploring sensations

As you meditate, notice the sensations and thoughts that arise in your mind. Be aware of any tension or anxiety and allow them to gradually dissolve. Visualize how the crystal energy flows through your body, clearing any blockages and balancing your chakras, especially the third eye chakra.

Completing the Meditation

After meditating for enough time, slowly bring your attention back to your breath and the present moment. Feel how you gradually return to the state of consciousness and open your eyes when you feel ready. Take a few moments to reflect on your experience and your connection to the lapis lazuli energy and the inner truth discovered through the opening of the third eye chakra.

3.2 Lapis Lazuli jewelry

Wear Lapis Lazuli jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, to benefit from the energy of the crystal constantly. Choose jewelry that comes into direct contact with the skin to allow the energy of Lapis Lazuli to be transmitted efficiently throughout your body, throughout the day.

Wearing jewelry with semi-precious stones in contact with the skin can establish a direct connection between the subtle energy of crystals and our body. This connection facilitates a steady flow of energy through our entire energy system, maintaining our balance and vitality throughout the day. In this way, jewelry with semi-precious stones becomes not only aesthetic accessories, but also subtle revitalization tools that surround us at every moment of the day.

3.3 Lapis Lazuli stone in your pocket, purse or wallet

Carrying gemstones in your purse, wallet or pocket can provide subtle and constant support, bringing balance and positive energy to everyday life.

3.4 Positioning Lapis Lazuli in your home

Lapis lazuli can bring numerous benefits when strategically placed in different areas of your home. Here are some suggestions for positioning lapis lazuli in your home:


  • Bedside table : Place lapis lazuli on the bedside table to promote restful sleep and encourage clairvoyant dreams.
  • Under the pillow : Place lapis lazuli under your pillow to boost intuition and provide energetic protection at night.

Office or workspace

  • On the desk : Lapis lazuli can improve mental clarity, focus, and creativity, helping you to stay productive and inspired.
  • Library : Placing lapis lazuli next to study or work books can boost deep learning and understanding.

Meditation area

  • Meditation altar : Place lapis lazuli on the meditation altar to deepen meditative experiences and facilitate the opening of the third eye chakra.
  • Yoga Mat : Place lapis lazuli next to the yoga mat to intensify the spiritual and relaxing benefits of your practice. 

"Crystals have a special role in our lives, that of amplifying and emphasizing the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People possess an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal evolution."

If you want to purchase these wonders of nature, we invite you to visit our online store.


How do I clean Lapis Lazuli stone?

The purification of lapis lazuli is essential to maintain its positive energies and amplify its beneficial properties. Here are some safe and effective methods for purifying lapis lazuli:

1. Clean water

  • Method : Rinse the lapis lazuli under running clean water for 1-2 minutes.
  • Precautions : Make sure the water is not too hot or too cold to avoid damaging the crystal. Avoid prolonged immersion in water, as lapis lazuli is porous and can be affected by excessive moisture.

2. Saltwater

  • Method : Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a bowl of water and leave lapis lazuli in this solution for a few hours or overnight.
  • Precautions : Rinse the crystal thoroughly under clean water after removing it from the salt solution to remove any salt residue. Make sure that lapis lazuli is not affected by salt, as it can be sensitive to it.

3. Moonlight

  • Method : Place lapis lazuli in moonlight, ideal during a full moon, to charge it with natural energy. Leave it overnight.
  • Precautions : Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as this can discolor the crystal.

4. Smoke of frankincense or sage

  • Method : Run lapis lazuli through the smoke of frankincense, sage, or palo santo wood for a few minutes. Make sure that the smoke completely envelops the crystal.
  • Precautions : Be careful with fire and make sure to use these methods in a well-ventilated space.

5. Crystal Cleansing

  • Method : Place lapis lazuli on a bed of quartz or amethyst crystals for a few hours. These crystals have natural cleansing properties.
  • Precautions : Make sure that the cleaning crystals are also cleaned regularly.

6. Sound

  • Method : Use a Tibetan bowl or bell to produce sound vibrations around lapis lazuli. The sound will help to cleanse the crystal energetically.
  • Precautions : Make sure the sound is loud enough to completely surround the crystal.

7. Meditation and Intention

  • Method : Hold the lapis lazuli in your hands and focus on the intention to clean it. Visualize how negative energies are released and the crystal is recharged with positive energy.
  • Precautions : Maintain a calm and positive mental state throughout the process.

These methods are safe and effective for purifying lapis lazuli, ensuring that it retains its beneficial properties and positive energy. Regularly cleaning your crystal is essential to keep its vibrations at an optimal level.

What is the meaning of Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis lazuli is considered a sacred stone, known for its deep blue color and its powerful spiritual properties. It symbolizes wisdom, truth, and spiritual connection. Used since ancient times by Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations, lapis lazuli was prized for its ability to stimulate clairvoyance and facilitate access to higher knowledge. It is associated with opening the third eye chakra and throat chakra, amplifying intuition, creativity, and authentic expression. Lapis lazuli helps balance emotions, provides energy protection, and promotes personal and spiritual development.

What zodiac signs is Lapis Lazuli suitable for?

Lapis lazuli is a versatile and beneficial crystal for all zodiac signs, but certain zodiac signs can especially benefit from its energies. Here are the signs for which lapis lazuli is particularly suitable:

1. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

  • Benefits : Lapis lazuli amplifies intuitive abilities and supports spiritual growth, helping Sagittarians explore their philosophical side and connect more deeply with inner wisdom.

2. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

  • Benefits : Pisces are often sensitive and intuitive, and lapis lazuli can provide them with energetic protection and mental clarity. It stimulates creativity and helps to express emotions honestly.

3. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

  • Benefits : Lapis lazuli helps Aquarians develop their communication skills and express their innovative ideas. It also supports intuition and spiritual awareness.

4. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

  • Benefits : Libras can benefit from lapis lazuli to maintain their emotional balance and improve interpersonal relationships. It helps with mental clarity and making the right decisions.

5. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

  • Benefits : Lapis lazuli helps Taureans connect with their spiritual side and develop their intuition. It provides emotional stability and energy protection.

General Compatibility

  • All Zodiac Signs : Although it is particularly beneficial for the aforementioned signs, lapis lazuli can benefit all signs due to its properties of balancing, protecting, and stimulating mental and spiritual clarity.

In conclusion, lapis lazuli is suitable for all signs, but it has a particularly beneficial impact for Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra and Taurus. Its use can help improve intuition, mental clarity, and energy protection in anyone's life.