Fluturas din peridot lucrat manual

PERIDOT: properties, meaning, energy benefits

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 6 min

Peridot, with its vibrant shades of green, is a gemstone that captivates with its beauty and invigorating energy. Also known as "Olivine", this stone has been prized since ancient times for its healing properties and its ability to bring prosperity and good luck. Adorning royal jewelry and artifacts, the peridot was considered a symbol of light and positivism.

Native to volcanic areas and often discovered in basalt rocks, peridot has a strong connection to the energies of the Earth. This stone is known for its ability to stimulate personal growth and regeneration, being a valuable ally for those who want to improve their well-being and attract abundance into their lives. Peridot is also associated with protection and purification, helping to eliminate negative energies and restore energy balance.

Peridot is the stone that brings light into darkness, transforming negative energies into positive vibrations of love and prosperity. With its vibrant green glow, this gemstone stimulates personal growth and regeneration, providing protection and balance for the soul and spirit.

1. PERIDOT: emotional benefits

  • Stimulating positivism : Peridot amplifies feelings of joy, optimism and well-being. It helps maintain a positive attitude in the face of life's challenges, supporting you to see the full side of the glass.
  • Encouraging personal growth : This stone supports the process of self-discovery and personal development. Peridot helps you understand and overcome your emotional limitations, promoting personal growth and transformation.
  • Inspiration and creativity : Stimulates creativity and inspires positive thinking. Peridot helps you find new and innovative solutions to emotional problems, encouraging creative expression.
  • Emotional detoxification : It helps to cleanse and purify the energy field, eliminating stagnant and negative emotions that can block personal development. Peridot helps you feel renewed and emotionally revitalized.
Integrating peridot into your daily life can bring a positive transformation to your emotional state, helping you to live with more joy, balance and harmony.

Essential products to get started:

2. Properties of PERIDOT - the spiritual plane

Peridot has a strong connection with several chakras, positively influencing their energy and balance. Here's how peridot relates to the main chakras and the benefits it brings:

Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Peridot is best known for its connection to the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. This chakra is responsible for love, compassion, and relationships.
  • Emotional openness : Peridot helps open the heart, allowing you to feel and express unconditional love.
  • Emotional healing : It facilitates the release of negative emotions and the healing of emotional wounds, promoting forgiveness and compassion.
  • Emotional balance : Contributes to balancing emotional energies, reducing anxiety and promoting a state of calm and inner peace.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Peridot also has a significant influence on the solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen area. This chakra is the center of personal power, self-confidence, and willpower.
  • Strengthening self-confidence : Peridot boosts self-confidence and personal strength, helping you to recognize your value and take responsibility with courage.
  • Mental clarity : It helps to clarify thoughts and make decisions, giving you a clear vision of your goals and objectives.
  • Energy detoxification : Contributes to the purification of the solar plexus chakra, eliminating stagnant energies and energy blockages.

"Self-confidence is the first requirement for great achievements. Believe in yourself and you will find that you are much stronger and more capable than you ever dreamed of."

3. Properties of PERIDOT - the mental plane

Peridot stimulates mental clarity and concentration, helping to eliminate confusion and negative thoughts. This crystal improves memory and the ability to learn, supporting intellectual processes and well-founded decisions. 

Peridot promotes positive and creative thinking, facilitating problem-solving and innovation. 

In addition, peridot supports self-confidence and inner wisdom, helping you to harness your intellectual potential.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."

Albert Einstein


"Crystals have a special role in our lives, that of amplifying and emphasizing the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People possess an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal evolution."

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How do I purify Peridot?

Purifying peridot is important to maintain and recharge its energetic properties. Here are some safe and effective methods for purifying peridot:

Purification Methods for Peridot:

  1. Clean water :

    • Pass the peridot under a stream of clean water for a few minutes. Make sure the water isn't too hot or too cold. This is one of the simplest and most effective methods.
  2. Fumigation :

    • Use sage smoke, palo santo wood, or frankincense to purify peridot. Pass the crystal through the dense smoke for a few minutes to remove negative energies.
  3. Moonlight :

    • Leave the peridot outside or on a windowsill during the night, under the moonlight, preferably during the full moon. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can affect the color of the crystal.
  4. Crystal Cleansing :

    • Place the peridot on a bed of quartz or amethyst crystals for a few hours. These crystals are known for their ability to cleanse and recharge other stones.
  5. Sounds :

    • Use Tibetan bowls, bells, or other musical instruments to create purifying sounds. Sounds can help remove negative energies from the crystal.
  6. Intent and visualization :

    • Hold the peridot in your hands and visualize a bright white light surrounding and cleaning it. Set the intention to purify and recharge the crystal.


Peridot is a relatively durable crystal, but it's important to use gentle purification methods to avoid damaging it. Avoid using harsh chemicals and cleaning solutions.

Periodic purification of peridot is essential to maintain its energetic properties and ensure that it functions at full capacity in your spiritual and therapeutic practices.

What is the meaning of Peridot?

Peridot is a vibrant crystal known for its bright green hues and energizing properties. The meaning of peridot is closely related to light and positivity, being considered a stone of prosperity and luck. This crystal stimulates personal growth and regeneration, helping to release old patterns and adopt a new and optimistic perspective. Peridot is used to attract abundance and financial success while providing protection against negative energies. Associated with the heart chakra, peridot promotes emotional healing, harmony, and healthy relationships. It is also an excellent crystal for purification and detoxification, helping to cleanse and balance personal energy. By amplifying vital energy, peridot improves overall well-being and encourages a positive and hopeful attitude.

What signs is the Peridot suitable for?

Peridot is a versatile crystal, suitable for all signs due to its beneficial properties, but certain signs can especially resonate with its energy. Here are some signs for which peridot is particularly beneficial:

  1. Leo (July 23 - August 22) :

    • Leos are often attracted to the brilliance and vitality of peridot, which amplifies their charisma and positive energy. Peridot helps Leos to openly express their feelings and achieve their goals with confidence.
  2. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) :

    • Virgos, known for their attention to detail and desire for perfection, can benefit from peridot that brings mental clarity and emotional balance. Peridot helps reduce anxiety and stimulate rational thinking.
  3. Libra (September 23 - October 22) :

    • Libras, who seek harmony and balance in all aspects of their lives, can find in peridot an ally for maintaining inner peace and emotional balance. Peridot facilitates harmonious relationships and helps to release tensions.
  4. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) :

    • Scorpios, with their intense and deep personality, can use peridot to balance their emotions and develop their intuition. Peridot provides them with energetic protection and helps them turn their negativity into positive energy.
  5. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) :

    • Capricorns, who are goal-oriented and disciplined, can benefit from the peridot that stimulates prosperity and success. Peridot helps them maintain motivation and achieve their goals with perseverance and clarity.

Although these signs may have a special affinity with peridot, anyone can use this stone to benefit from its healing, balance, and prosperity properties. Peridot is a versatile crystal that brings light and positivity into anyone's life.