Selenit proprietati

Selenite: Properties, Benefits, Significance, Use

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 8 min

Selenite is a crystal associated with the purification of energies, being known for its ability to bring light and inner tranquility. In this article, we will explore its significance and benefits, from the ways selenite can purify and protect your energy space, to the practical ways you can use it in meditation and energy healing in your daily life.

"In the light of Selenite, the precious silence of the soul is revealed.

1. Semiprecious stone selenite: benefits and properties

1.1 Selenite: emotional benefits

Stimulating emotional healing: Selenite can be used to support the emotional healing process, providing a sense of safety and protection. This can be beneficial for those working on overcoming past traumas and managing the depression associated with them.

Releasing negative energies: Selenite has the ability to disperse and eliminate negative energies accumulated in the energy body, which can lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety and other emotional tensions. This release of emotional tension can bring a sense of relief and relaxation.

Essential products to get started:

1.2 Properties of selenite - spiritual plane

Connection with higher energies: Selenite is known for its ability to open and purify higher chakras such as the crown chakra, thus facilitating connection with divine and spiritual energies. This can facilitate meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices, intensifying deep spiritual experiences.

Energy protection: Selenite is often used to create an energy shield around the individual or their sacred space. It can help remove negative energies and prevent them from entering your personal energy field, thus facilitating a safer and purer connection with the spiritual world.

Cleansing and purification: Selenite is an excellent energy purifier, removing negative energies and blockages from a person's energy field or space. This can facilitate access to purer and higher energies and support the process of transformation and spiritual growth.

"Spirituality is not fighting darkness, but turning on the light."

Eckhart Tolle

1.3 Properties of selenite - mental plane

Promoting a clearer perspective: By purifying negative energies and promoting purer and brighter energy, selenite can help clarify the mind and promote a clearer and more optimistic outlook on life. This can facilitate decision-making and handling difficult situations.

"Clarity of mind involves seeing everything as it is, without getting attached to it or rejecting it."

Ajahn Chah

1.4 Benefits of selenite – health, body

Selenite can be a wonderful choice to improve your health and well-being.

Muscle relaxation: Selenite can help relax tense muscles and relieve muscle discomfort. Placing selenite crystal on tense areas of the body can help reduce tension and promote a state of relaxation.

Improving sleep quality: Placing selenite under the pillow or near the bed can create a calmer and more relaxing environment in the bedroom, favoring restful sleep and a more invigorated awakening.

Improving blood circulation: Selenite can stimulate blood circulation and help eliminate energy blockages in the circulatory system. This can promote better circulation and support the maintenance of cardiovascular health.

Relieving headaches: Due to its ability to reduce stress and tension, selenite can help relieve headaches and migraines. Placing selenite crystal on your forehead or head area can bring a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing the intensity of pain.

Before trying any form of crystal therapy, including the use of selenite, it is always recommended that you consult a doctor or specialist to make sure you keep your health and well-being safe.

"Those who have health have hope, and those who have hope have everything."

- Arabic proverb

2. Top 10 benefits of SELENIT semiprecious stone

  • Purification and recharge of other crystals.
  • Induction of calm and relaxation.
  • Supporting mental clarity and concentration.
  • Improving sleep quality.
  • Balancing emotions and stabilizing mood.
  • Positive vibration amplification and energy protection.
  • Stimulating creativity and spiritual connection.
  • Improving intuition and intuitive capabilities.
  • Help in emotional healing and trauma release.
  • Supporting the process of self-knowledge and personal development.

Everyone can feel and interpret these effects and benefits in a unique way, according to their personal needs and experiences. We urge you to let your intuition and senses guide you.

"Crystals are poems carved by the hands of time, keeping within them the secrets of all existence."

3. Integration of selenite into everyday life, practical ways to use

Selenite can be integrated into your daily life in a variety of ways to increase your well-being and well-being consistently.

3.1 Meditation, relaxation, crystal therapy with selenite

Selenite can be an invaluable companion on your meditation journey, helping you achieve deeper states of relaxation and awareness.

  • Choice of place and position: Find a quiet and cozy corner where you can sit or lie down for meditation. Selenite can be placed in front of you, on your forehead or chest, or simply held in your hand. Choose the position that makes you feel connected and comfortable, let your intuition guide you.

  • Setting intent: Before you begin meditation, clarify your intention. You can aim to relax deeply, clear your mind or connect with selenite energy. Be open and receptive to what occurs during meditation, without putting pressure on the results.

  • Start of meditation: Focus on your breathing, bringing attention to inhalation and exhalation. Slow down your breathing rate and allow yourself to relax more and more in each breath. Incorporate the soothing energy of selenite, imagining how it envelops you and fills you with light and calm.

  • Exploring sensations: Notice the sensations and thoughts that come and go in your mind. Be aware of any tensions or anxieties and let them gradually dissolve. Visualize the pure energy of selenite flowing through your body, cleansing and balancing your chakras.

  • Completion of meditation: Turn your attention back to your breath and the present. Feel yourself returning to consciousness gradually and easily. Open your eyes and take a few moments to reflect on your experience and what you felt.

3.2 Selenite jewelry

Wear selenite jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings to benefit from crystal energy consistently. Choose jewelry that comes into direct contact with your skin to allow selenite energy to flow efficiently throughout the day.

Wearing jewelry with semiprecious stones in contact with the skin can establish a direct link between the subtle energy of crystals and our body. This connection facilitates a constant flow of energy through our entire energy system, maintaining our balance and vitality throughout the day. In this way, jewelry with semiprecious stones becomes not only aesthetic accessories, but also subtle revitalization tools that surround us every moment of the day.

3.3 Selenite stone in your pocket, purse or wallet

Carrying semiprecious stones in your purse, wallet or pocket can provide subtle and constant support, bringing balance and positive energy into everyday life.

3.4 Positioning selenite in your home


Placement: A piece of selenite on the bedside table, under the pillow or in the corner of the room brings a calm and purifying energy.

Benefits: It helps create a quiet and relaxing environment, relieving stress and improving sleep quality, promoting rest and regeneration.

Living room:

Placement: Place selenite in a central place or on a coffee table to purify and charge your leisure space with positive energy.

Benefits: Reducing tension and stress in the environment, promoting harmony and tranquility in family relationships and social interactions.

Office or workspace:

Placement: Place a piece of selenite on your desk to support concentration, mental clarity, and decision-making.

Benefits: Removing energy blockages, stimulating creativity and promoting a deeper connection with work or study tasks and activities.


Placement: A piece of selenite on the edge of the bathtub or on a shelf helps to energetically clean the space and promote a state of calm and relaxation during bathing.

Benefits: Eliminate negativity and accumulated stress, support the healing process and regeneration of body and spirit. 

"Crystals have a special role in our lives, to amplify and emphasize the personal power already existing in each of us. 

They act as catalysts for our internal energy and potential. People hold an impressive power of healing and personal growth, and crystals come to amplify this inherent power. They can support us on our journey of self-discovery and transformation, bringing clarity and balance in our lives. 

By cultivating a conscious relationship with crystals, we can connect more deeply with our own power and take responsibility for our own healing and personal growth."

If you want to purchase these wonders of nature, we invite you to visit our online store.


How do I purify selenite?

The purification of selenite is important for maintaining its energy and eliminating negativity accumulated over time. Here are some effective methods of selenite purification:

  1. Moonlight: Place selenite outdoors, under soft moonlight for at least a few hours, or overnight. Natural moonlight is known for its purifying and energizing effect.

  2. Sea salt: Cover selenite with sea salt for a few hours or overnight. Sea salt has negative energy-absorbing properties and can help cleanse the crystal.

  3. Quartz crystals: Place the selenite on or next to a bed of quartz crystals. Quartz has the ability to amplify and cleanse the energy of crystal selenite.

  4. Sound: Exposing selenite to sacred sounds, such as those emitted by Tibetan bells or the sound of a meditation song, can help cleanse and recharge its energy.

  5. Frankincense or Sage smoke: Passing selenite through the smoke of frankincense or sage is a traditional method of energy cleansing. Light a rod of incense or sage and let smoke envelop the crystal to remove negative energies.

  6. Visualization: Use the power of intention and visualization to clear selenite. Imagine that a stream of pure white or white light flows through the crystal, removing any energetic impurities.

Whichever method you choose, it's important to set the intention that selenite is energetically cleansed and recharged to maintain its potency and beneficial effects.

What is the meaning of selenite?

Selenite is associated with purifying and clarifying negative energies, bringing light and harmony into your life. It is considered to be a stone of connection with divine wisdom and spiritual ascension. Selenite helps balance emotions and thoughts, promoting a state of inner peace and mental clarity. It is also used to clean and charge other crystals and energy objects. Selenite can boost self-confidence and intuition, facilitating access to deep understanding and inner guidance. It is associated with spiritual protection and the removal of energy blockages in the body and energy field. Selenite is used in meditation to open the upper chakras and facilitate communication with spirit guides or the spiritual world. It is considered a powerful tool for energy healing and invigorating the body and spirit. Selenite has a gentle and pure energy that can bring an aura of peace and understanding in your daily life.

How can selenite purify other crystals?

Selenite can purify other crystals by absorbing and dispersing negative or stagnant energies, revitalizing them and restoring their energy power. Placing crystals alongside selenite or on a selenite plate for a period of time can help clean and charge them energetically.