Sfera cuart

Types of Quartz: Using Quartz Crystals

Written by: Echipa Druzy



Time to read 9 min

Quartz is a versatile and beautiful mineral that is available in many distinct varieties. 
The main types include Clear Quartz (transparent and pure), Rose Quartz (with delicate shades of pink), Amethyst (deep purple), Citrine (golden yellow), Smoky Quartz (grey-brown) and Milky Quartz (opaque white). Other notable varieties are Aventurine Quartz (bright green), Rutilated Quartz (with rutile gold inclusions), Quartz with Tourmaline (with black tourmaline crystals), Blue Quartz , Ametrine Quartz (combination of amethyst and citrine) and Prasiolite Quartz (green amethyst). Each type has unique characteristics and uses, from jewelry to decorations and spiritual practices.


1. Clear Quartz

Transparent quartz is a gemstone of pure and timeless beauty, admired for its clarity and brightness.

Transparent quartz is admired for its impeccable clarity, which can range from completely colorless to slightly translucent. This clarity gives it a pure and radiant appearance, making it extremely appealing.

Quartz's ability to refract and reflect light makes it shine with a particular intensity. Under direct light, the rock crystal can create a spectacular play of lights and colors.

Uses of Clear Quartz

In holistic healing practices, clear quartz is considered a powerful energy amplifier. 

It can increase and direct energy, both inside the body and in the environment, making it ideal for meditation and other spiritual practices.

Clear quartz is known for its ability to balance and harmonize the energy in the body. It can help align the chakras and establish a balanced energy flow.

In feng shui, transparent quartz is used to bring clarity, balance, and harmony to the environment. It is often placed in living or working areas to attract positive energies and promote healthy energy flow.

2. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz stands out for its translucent clarity and gentle pink hues. This color is the result of the presence of titanium, iron or manganese in the structure of the crystal. Its sharpness can vary, providing either a uniform look or one with delicate inclusions.

This stone is used to attract and strengthen love and friendship relationships. It is said that wearing rose quartz or placing it in your home can attract love and promote understanding and harmony in existing relationships.

Meditation and the Heart Chakra : In meditation, rose quartz is used to open and balance the heart chakra (Anahata). Placing the stone on your chest during meditation can help release emotional blockages and stimulate the flow of loving energy.

Rose quartz is often used in crystal grids to amplify intentions related to love and healing. Rose quartz arrangements can be used to create a powerful energy field, fostering feelings of compassion and harmony.

3. Citrine

Citrine quartz is a gemstone prized for its vibrant shades of yellow, which range from pale yellow to intense golden tones. Citrine gets its yellow color due to the presence of iron ions in its crystalline structure. 

Citrine's clarity can range from transparent to translucent, and its warm hues are extremely appealing and refreshing.

Citrine is known as the "merchant's stone" and is associated with attracting prosperity and abundance. It is often placed in homes or offices to bring financial success and opportunities.

Citrine is used to balance energy and align chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra (Manipura). This chakra is associated with personal strength and self-confidence, and citrine helps to strengthen these qualities.

4. Amethyst

Amethyst quartz is one of the most popular and appreciated varieties of quartz, famous for its vibrant shades of purple. 

Amethyst is a variety of quartz that acquires its distinctive purple color due to the presence of iron ions and other transitional elements in its crystalline structure. These iron ions, when exposed to natural radiation during the formation process, create the shades of purple that range from light lavender to deep purple.

Amethyst is most often associated with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This chakra is related to higher consciousness, spirituality, and connection with the divine. 

Amethyst helps to open and balance the crown chakra, promoting spiritual clarity, wisdom, and enlightenment. The use of amethyst in meditation can facilitate a deeper connection with one's higher self and the universe.

5. Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a fascinating variety of quartz, known for its shades of light gray to dark brown.

Smoky quartz gets its characteristic color due to exposure to natural radiation from uranium deposits in the soil. This radiation causes changes in the structure of the crystal, giving it its characteristic smoke tones.

 Smoky quartz is most often associated with the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. 

This chakra is related to physical security, survival, and connection to the Earth. Smoky quartz helps stabilize energy and anchor the body in physical reality. The use of smoky quartz can strengthen the sense of security, stability, and balance in everyday life.

6. Milky Quartz, White Quartz

Milky white quartz, also known as milky quartz, is a variety of opaque or translucent quartz that is prized for its calming and pure appearance.

Milky white quartz gets its opaque or translucent color due to microscopic gas or liquid inclusions during the formation process.

Milky white quartz is most often associated with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This chakra is related to higher consciousness, spirituality, and connection with the divine. 

Milky white quartz helps to open and balance the crown chakra, promoting spiritual clarity, inner peace, and enlightenment.

Quartz, with its amazing diversity of colors and shapes, is a semi-precious stone that captures the essence of nature. Each variety, from clear and pink quartz to amethyst and citrine, offers a unique combination of beauty and energy benefits.

7. Aventurine Quartz

Aventurine quartz gets its green color and shimmering effect due to the inclusions of fuchsite (a chromium-rich mineral) or mica. These inclusions reflect light, giving aventurine its distinctive "adventurism" appearance.

This stone is often associated with prosperity, luck, and well-being.

Aventurine quartz is most closely associated with the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. This chakra is related to love, compassion, empathy and emotional balance. Aventurine quartz helps to open and balance the heart chakra, promoting harmony and inner peace.

Aventurine boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, two critical aspects to attract success and prosperity. An open and balanced heart chakra allows the individual to feel worthy of abundance and success.

8. Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz is a spectacular variety of quartz, known for its needle-like rutile inclusions, which create stunning patterns within the crystal. These needle inclusions can form complex and fascinating networks within the quartz crystal, creating a unique and eye-catching structure.

Rutile can come in a variety of hues, including gold, copper, red, and silver, each of which adds a distinctive brilliance and contrast to the interior of the quartz crystal. This makes each piece of rutilated quartz unique and special.

Rutilated quartz is known as a powerful energy amplifier, due to the combination of quartz and rutile energy. This makes this crystal ideal for meditation and healing practices, amplifying positive intentions and energies.

9. Quartz with tourmaline

Tourmaline quartz is a spectacular combination of minerals that brings together the clarity of quartz and the protective power of tourmaline.

  • Clarity and Transparency : Tourmaline quartz often has remarkable clarity, allowing it to capture and reflect light in a spectacular way. It highlights tourmaline inclusions, adding an impressive visual effect.

  • Contrasting Colors : Black tourmaline creates a dramatic contrast to clear quartz, adding an extra visual dimension. Colorful tourmaline, in vibrant shades of green, pink or red, adds a dynamic and captivating look.

Tourmaline quartz is closely associated with the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. Black tourmaline, in particular, is known for its grounding and protective properties. Using tourmaline quartz for the root chakra helps stabilize and anchor energy, providing a sense of security and balance.

Tourmaline quartz can also influence the solar plexus chakra, located in the stomach area. This chakra is related to personal power, willpower, and vital energy.

Placing tourmaline quartz in the solar plexus area can help clear negative energy and boost personal strength and self-confidence. It helps to strengthen determination and willpower.

10. Quartz with ametrine

Ametrine quartz is a unique and fascinating variety of quartz that combines two of the most popular types of quartz: amethyst and citrine.

This fusion of colors and energies creates a unique stone, full of history, beauty and extraordinary energetic properties.

Ametrine quartz is an outstanding example of the harmony between different energies and properties, combining the benefits of amethyst and citrine into a single crystal. This unique combination directly influences two essential chakras: the crown chakra (Sahasrara) and the solar plexus chakra (Manipura).

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) : Due to the amethyst components, ametrine is associated with the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual connection and mental clarity. Amethyst helps to open and balance this chakra, promoting spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. By activating the crown chakra, ametrine helps to achieve higher levels of spiritual understanding and establish a deep connection with the universe.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) : The citrine energy in ametrine influences the solar plexus chakra, promoting personal strength, willpower, and prosperity. Citrine helps to clear energy blockages in this chakra and stimulate vital energy and creativity. Activating the solar plexus chakra with the help of ametrine citrine brings a sense of confidence, motivation and the ability to manifest abundance in personal and professional life.

Ametrinus, through its influence on the crown chakra and the solar plexus chakra, promotes a harmonious integration between higher consciousness and personal power. This union creates a balance between spiritual aspirations and material achievements, helping to develop a harmonious and fulfilling life. 

11. Blue Quartz

Blue quartz acquires its distinctive color due to the inclusions of minerals such as dumortierite, crocidolite or blue tourmaline, which are formed during the crystallization process.

Blue quartz ranges in shades from light blue and translucent to deep blue and opaque. These color variations offer an amazing visual spectacle, with each crystal being unique.

Blue quartz is closely associated with the throat chakra, located in the neck area. This chakra is related to communication, self-expression, and truthfulness. Blue quartz helps to open and Balancing the throat chakra, promoting clear and honest communication.

Due to its properties, blue quartz can also influence the third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with intuition, clairvoyance and extrasensory perception. The use of blue quartz can boost intuition and help develop psychic abilities.

12. Prasiolite Quartz (Green Amethyst)

Prasiolite quartz, also known as green amethyst, is a rare and fascinating variety of quartz. Each piece of prasiolite is unique, reflecting the complexity and beauty of nature. This semi-precious stone is prized for its delicate green hues. Although less well-known than other types of quartz, prasiolite has a distinctive beauty.

Prasiolite quartz gets its green color due to a natural process or heat treatment applied to purple amethyst.

Prasiolite is closely associated with the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. This chakra is related to love, compassion, and emotional balance. Prasiolite helps to open and balance the heart chakra, promoting harmony and inner peace.

Semi-precious stones are not only treasures of nature, but also carriers of legends and history. Each crystal hides in its brilliance ancient stories, healing energies and symbols that have spanned the centuries, inspiring and protecting entire generations.