Palo Santo – lemnul sacru al liniștii, purificării și vindecării energetice
Despre lemnul Palo Santo, beneficii, utilizari, traditii
Salvia – planta sacră a purificării și echilibrului energetic
Salvie, ce este salvia, tipuri de salvie, cum se foloseste salvia
Pietre semiprețioase verzi: ghid complet al cristalelor verzi și semnificațiile lor
Pietrele semiprețioase verzi au captivat omenirea de milenii, nu doar prin frumusețea lor vizuală, ci și prin proprietățile energetice și spirituale pe care le posedă. De la nuanțele profunde ale...
Unakit – Properties, benefits and uses in crystal therapy
Unakit is a unique crystal, recognized for its harmonious combination of green and pink, symbolizing the balance between heart and mind. This stone is associated with emotional regeneration, personal development,...
Ruby – properties, legends and ways of use in crystal therapy
Ruby is one of the most prized gemstones, recognized for its intense shades of red and its powerful energy. Considered a symbol of vitality, courage and love, the ruby has...
Sapphire – Wisdom stone: properties, benefits and uses
Sapphire is a gemstone revered for centuries, associated with profound wisdom, mental clarity, and divine protection. Due to its vibrant colors, especially deep blue hues, sapphire has been considered a...
Auralite – The Crystal of Rejuvenation, Revitalization, and Spiritual Connection
Auralit - properties, use and care
Serafinite – Properties, Benefits and Uses in Crystal Therapy
Seraphinite is a rare crystal known for its bright green hues with silver iridescence, which creates an angelic feather effect. This mineral is recognized for its ability to facilitate emotional...
Apophyllite – The Stone of Clarity and Spiritual Connection
Introduction Apophyllite is a fascinating crystal known for its unique po properties. Prized by both collectors and crystal therapists, this mineral is prized for its natural beauty and the pure...
Dioptase – properties, benefits and uses of this powerful crystal
Dioptase is a rare crystal, appreciated for its intense shades of emerald green, which exudes a vibrant and invigorating energy. This stone is known for its ability to support emotional...
Crystal therapy - the healing power of gemstones
Have you ever heard about crystal therapy and are wondering what it is and how it works? In this fascinating journey through the world of gemstones, you will discover the...
Alexandrite, the color-changing stone – properties, benefits and meaning
Alexandrite, known as the stone of change and duality, fascinates with its unique ability to change color, reflecting the balance between light and dark. Considered a symbol of transformation, this...