Name | Ari | Affirmations that help balance the chakras

    Chakra 7Crown

    Areas covered : Login | Autonomy | Independence

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I am connected with the Universe, I am love, I am joy.
    • I am a multidimensional being, I remember who I am.
    • I am open and receptive to universal knowledge.
    • Energy and joy enter my whole body, I am full of joy.
    • I follow my intuition, I know what is good for me and what is not.
    • I take responsibility for my own happiness and spiritual evolution.
    • I am grateful for all the lessons and experiences.
    • I honor my connection with the divine source, I have access to knowledge and wisdom at any time.

    Chakra 6Third eye

    Areas covered : My truth | New perspectives

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I quiet my mind, I focus my attention on breathing, I am calm, at peace, relaxed.
    • I expand my perception, I can see, I see new perspectives.
    • I cultivate my ability to see beyond appearances.
    • I listen to my intuition and follow my heart.
    • I understand how we are all interconnected.
    • I allow myself to perceive the deep truth.
    • I have the ability to explore within myself until my vision becomes clear.
    • I can visualize success, I have confidence.
    • Everything always falls into place for me, everything makes sense.

    Chakra 5Throat, Communication

    Areas covered : Communication | Authentic expression

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I express myself authentically, I tell the truth, I inspire those around me, I am honest and direct, I express my inner voice.
    • I think before I speak, I understand how every word I say has power.
    • I can realize the impact my words have on those around me.
    • I understand that each person has the right to his own opinion.
    • I understand how open communication helps to build beautiful and lasting relationships.
    • I cultivate my ability to listen with empathy.

    Chakra 4Heart, Love

    Areas covered : Self-love | Compassion Forgiveness | Acceptance

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I love myself, I deserve the best, I am love, I receive love, I give love.
    • I know that true love begins inside me.
    • I cultivate my ability to have compassion for myself and for those around me.
    • I am open to give and receive love.
    • I allow myself to feel and express my emotions, without fear of being judged.
    • I allow myself to be vulnerable.
    • I understand that we are all connected by love and that love can heal any wound.
    • I connect with those around me with an open heart, I accept those around me as they are, I accept the situations in my life that I cannot change, I heal my wounds.
    • I experience love every day.

    Chakra 3Solar Plexus

    Areas covered : Personal power | Achieving goals/desires | Leadership | Personal esteem

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I have focus, strength, courage, discipline, I am committed to follow my goals.
    • I honor my own personal power.
    • I am in harmony with those around me, I have the strength to achieve what I want, I am organized and I have the ability to focus on my goals.
    • I understand the difference between personal power and control, I allow myself to let things flow.
    • I cultivate my own system of beliefs and values, I put aside the judgment of those around me.

    Chakra 2Sacral

    Areas covered : Creative energy | Sexual energy Manifestation

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I am creative, I give birth to new ideas/projects, I have unlimited potential, I express myself authentically/artistically, I bring something unique to the world.
    • I feel the creative energy in me and allow myself to manifest my desires.
    • I embrace my sexuality, it is a natural and healthy part of my life, I am free.
    • I know that sexual energy is a powerful creative and spiritual force and I allow myself to explore all aspects of my being.

    Chakra 1Root

    Covered areas : Earthing | Safety | Present | Earth connection

    Affirmations that help balance the chakra:

    • I am grounded, I feel safe, I am taking root, I have my place.
    • I know that safety and stability are essential for my well-being and to be able to build solidly.
    • I cultivate my confidence in my ability to manage in the world.
    • I feel connected with nature, with the energy of the Earth and I know how to develop this connection even more.
    • I respect my body and take care of it.
    • I allow myself to relax and enjoy myself.
    • I know how to be calm in the middle of the "storm", I am balanced, I have everything I need, I am safe.