The Ajoitul It is a rare and remarkable semi-precious stone, prized for both its exquisite beauty and its unique energetic properties.

Properties of Ajoite:

  • Healing Energy: Ajoite is known for its power to support the emotional and physical healing process. It is often used to facilitate recovery from emotional trauma.

  • Clarity: This stone helps to clarify thoughts and develop deep inner wisdom. It improves the ability to make wise decisions and understand life's lessons.

  • Spiritual Connection: It is considered a stone that supports the connection with the spiritual dimensions and the development of higher consciousness. It is useful in meditation and spiritual practices to bring a sense of balance and clarity.

  • Beauty and aesthetics: Ajoite is characterized by an intense, bright green color, often found in combination with dioptose in quartz. This combination adds an exceptional and fascinating look, and is also appreciated for its use in jewellery and decorative objects.

  • Gifts and collectibles: Ojoice is an elegant gift for lovers of Crystals and Mineral collectors, being also available in the form of rough stones, Necklaces and jewellery. It is an ideal choice to add a touch of sophistication and positive energy to crystal collections and to create Gifts Outstanding.

Ajoice, with its healing properties and brilliant beauty, is an excellent choice for those seeking emotional balance and a deep connection with the self and the spiritual world, making it ideal for both decorative objects, and for special jewelry.