Mala 7 chakras Rudraksha 108 beads



Descriere - Mala 7 chakras Rudraksha 108 beads

Mala 7 Chakra Rudraksha

Mala length: 80 +8 cm, bead thickness 6mm

A mala is a set of beads or beads traditionally used in spiritual and meditative practices in Asian cultures, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. These beads are tied together by string or string and are used to aid in the recitation of mantras, prayers or for meditation.

A traditional mala usually has 108 beads. The number 108 has deep spiritual and symbolic meanings in these cultures.

The mala is used to help focus and relax the mind during meditation. Practitioners meditate on each bead and recite a mantra or prayer with each touch of the bead. This helps to maintain focus and count repetitions.

The word 'Rudraksha' is derived from two Sanskrit words: 'Rudra,' which is another name for Lord Shiva, and 'Aksha,' which means eye or tear. Thus, 'Rudraksha' can be translated as 'tears of Shiva'.

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva, the lord of meditation and destruction, meditated for the good of mankind. During this deep meditation, tears of compassion fell from his eyes, and these tears are said to have turned into Rudraksha seeds. These seeds are considered sacred and are often used as prayer beads for meditation, prayer and protection in Hinduism and other spiritual practices.