Chrysoprase structure free form m1
Descriere - Chrysoprase structure free form m1
Chrysoprase freeform structure m1, size: 6.5 cm
Chrysoprase is a green, translucent gemstone that belongs to the chalcedony family.
Chrysoprase is often associated with the love chakra (heart), helping to open it and heal past wounds in order to move forward. This crystal is useful in developing self-confidence and awareness of inner resources.
Chrysoprase is known for its property of improving communication and supporting healthy relationships.
Being a stone also associated with the solar plexus chakra, it connects the desires of the heart with the inner power to move forward to fulfill them. Many associate chrysoprazole with abundance and prosperity.
Properties: Love | Relations | Prosperity | New beginnings | Wishes | Will | Rediscovery
Chakras: solar plexus (power, will), heart (love)
Other properties:
Hardness: 7/10 on the Mohs scale
Chemical component: SiO2
Countries where it is found: Australia, Russia, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, India and the United States.
Categorii produs: Chrysoprase | Crystals for happiness | Green semi-precious stones | Sculptures -Freeform structures
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