Super 7 (super seven) 8mm bracelet



Descriere - Super 7 (super seven) 8mm bracelet

Super 7 (super seven) 8mm bracelet

Bracelet length: 17 cm

Super 7, also known as Sacred Seven, is a rare and powerful crystalline stone. It is a unique combination of minerals that include amethyst, clear quartz, smoky quartz, rutile quartz, goethite, lepidocrocite and cacoxenite. These minerals are often present as crystals in a matrix of white quartz.

Super 7 is valued for its powerful and versatile energy, being considered a powerful amplifier of spiritual energies and a catalyst for personal transformation.

In terms of chakras, Super 7 is particularly associated with the crown chakra (chakra 7), which is located at the top of the head and is related to higher consciousness, spirituality and connecting with the divine. Super 7 helps open and activate this chakra, facilitating access to higher wisdom and connection to the spiritual planes.

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