Jet, gagat, black amber, black amber mini rolled stone



Descriere - Jet, gagat, black amber, black amber mini rolled stone

Jet/ gagat/ black amber / black amber mini rolled stone 2.5 - 3 cm. The price differs depending on the size of the stone, please select the desired size.

Jet, also known as gag stone, is a form of coal in the form of fossilized wood that has been compressed and petrified over millennia. It was formed mainly during the Jurassic period, about 180 million years ago, when coniferous trees fell and sank into prehistoric swamps. There, under the pressure of sedimentary layers and without oxygen, the wood was transformed into coal and eventually into a form of jet.

Traditionally, he was considered to have certain magical or protective properties and was associated with funeral ceremonies and burial rituals. Throughout history, it has been worn as a talisman or amulet and has often been associated with protective powers against negative energies and evil spirits.

The gag is said to carry a powerful energy that can bring courage and confidence to the wearer. Many believe that this black stone can provide support and strength in difficult times or conflict situations.

Reviews- Jet, gagat, black amber, black amber mini rolled stone