Moonstone Pendulum DROP
Descriere - Moonstone Pendulum DROP
Moonstone Pendulum DROP
The pendulum is used to obtain answers to questions, to identify energies and blockages in the energy body, and to perform various harmonization and healing actions.
Using a pendulum involves establishing a subtle connection between the pendulum and the person using it, thus allowing the pendulum to communicate through its movement. The movement of the pendulum can be interpreted in different ways, from simple oscillatory movement to directed or rotating movements, depending on the questions or purposes of the person using it.
The pendulum has been used for thousands of years. Even in the Bible, it is mentioned how Moses used his rod (search rod) to find water. Some people use the pendulum exclusively privately, but large companies, such as Bristol-Meyers and Hoffmann Laroche, have also used pendulums and search clubs to find raw materials.
Câteva persoane celebre care au folosit pendulum sunt: Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Boyle, Charles Richet, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Lloyd George, generalul Rommel și generalul Patton. Chiar și armata britanică și americană foloseau radiesteziști și pendule pentru a găsi, de exemplu, mine, tuneluri subterane sau apă în deșert
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