Set of 7 chakra palmstones meditation stones m1
Descriere - Set of 7 chakra palmstones meditation stones m1
Set of 7 chakra meditation stones m1, the size of the stones approx. 4 cm
The set contains:
- Rock quartz for chakra 7: Enlightenment, spirituality.
- Lapis Lazuli for chakra 6: Intuition, clairvoyance.
- Angelite for chakra 5: Communication, truth.
- Unakit for chakra 4: Love, compassion.
- Orange Calcite for chakra 3: Willpower, strength.
- Red Jasper for chakra 2: Creativity, sexuality.
- Lava Stone for chakra 1: Stability, confidence.
Categorii produs: 7 chakras | Crystals Rolled stones minidruzy | Crystals to start with | Gifts | Original gifts for children | Palmstones, worry stones | Semiprecious stones
Reviews- Set of 7 chakra palmstones meditation stones m1