Unakit mini rolled stone



Descriere - Unakit mini rolled stone

Unakit mini rolled stone, sizes between 2 - 4 cm. The price differs depending on the size of the stone, please select the desired size.

Unakit is a semi-precious stone made up of fesspar, epidote, quartz, mica.

This stone is most often associated with the love chakra, helping to heal wounds of the heart.

This is also associated with nature and fertility, using the unakit in meditation can help balance the vital energy in the body.

Properties: Self-love | Compassion | Relationships |  Fertility | Nature |  Present Moment

Chakras: heart chakra (love, compassion), chakra 1 (roots, nature)

Hardness: 6.8 /10 on the Mohs scale

Chemical component: n{Ca2(Al2Fe3+)[Si2O7][SiO4]O(OH)} p{K(AlSi3O8)}

Countries where it is found: United States of America, Brazil, China, South Africa, Russia, Australia, Norway, Canada.

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