Rubelite, with its vibrant shades of pink and red, is a stone of love and passion, bringing energy and vitality to those who wear it. It encourages compassion, emotional healing and personal development, being a precious ally in the inner journey.

Rubella is a rare and valuable variety of Tourmaline characterized by its vibrant shades of pink, red or purple. It is valued not only for its beauty, but also for its powerful energetic properties, often associated with love, passion and vitality.

Properties and energy benefits of Rubelit:

  • Love: Rubella is known for its ability to open the heart chakra, encouraging unconditional love and healthy relationships. It stimulates affection and compassion, bringing harmony to relationships.

  • Passion and energy: This stone brings vitality and energy, being associated with passion and enthusiasm. It is considered a source of motivation and inner strength.

  • Emotional healing: Rubella helps heal emotional wounds, providing support in overcoming trauma and stress. It helps to release fears and strengthen self-esteem.

  • Stimulating creativity: It is a crystal that fosters inspiration and creativity, and is often used to encourage artistic expression and the manifestation of ideas.


  • Jewellery: Rubella is often used in jewellery precious due to its intense color and its beneficial effects on the wearer.
  • Meditation and Healing: It is used in spiritual practice and meditation to balance energies and facilitate emotional healing.